Results for 'Adrien Vila Valls'

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  1.  16
    Rodrigo Escobar-Holguín. Territorio y voluntad comunitaria.Andrés Suárez-Astaiza - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):296-301.
    Bajo el título Territorio y voluntad comunitaria, la editorial Aula de Hu- manidades, de Bogotá, publicó en 2021 el trabajo de investigación doc- toral de Rodrigo Escobar-Holguín: “El ordenamiento territorial como acto volitivo comunitario. Un enfoque fenomenológico”, sustentado en junio de 2019, como requisito para optar al título de doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad del Valle en Cali, Colombia. La tesis fue dirigida por el profesor Julio César Vargas Bejarano y el jurado evaluador estuvo compuesto por los profesores Ana (...)
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    Philosophy of Population Health: Philosophy for a New Public Health Era.Sean A. Valles - 2018 - Abingdon OX14, UK: Routledge.
    Population health has recently grown from a series of loosely connected critiques of twentieth-century public health and medicine into a theoretical framework with a corresponding field of research—population health science. Its approach is to promote the public’s health through improving everyday human life: affordable nutritious food, clean air, safe places where children can play, living wages, etc. It recognizes that addressing contemporary health challenges such as the prevalence of type 2 diabetes will take much more than good hospitals and public (...)
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    Le rythme : une géométrie fractale qui rend la musique agréable.Adrien - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru sur Des chercheurs découvrent la formule mathématique du rythme et avancent que notre cerveau pourrait être câblé pour y répondre. Une nouvelle étude montre que tout compositeur, de Bach à Brubeck, répète des motifs rythmiques, de sorte que la partie reproduit le tout. Une équipe de recherche dirigée par les neuroscientifiques Daniel Levitin et Vinod Menon, respectivement des universités McGill et Stanford, a analysé les partitions de quelque 2 000 compositions - Mathématiques – Nouvel (...)
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    Figuras de la dominación.Bermudo Ávila & José Manuel (eds.) - 2014 - Barcelona: Horsori.
  5. The Life of Monsieur des Cartes [by A. Baillet] Tr. By S.R.Adrien Baillet & R. S. - 1693
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  6. Religiones monoteístas y tolerancia religiosa.J. Gonzalez Valles - 1999 - Studium 39 (1):153-160.
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    Wilhelm Kroll, Discours sur les oracles chaldaïques.Adrien Lecerf - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:227-230.
    (Toutes références données aux pages de la traduction, et non de l’œuvre originale traduite). Plus d’un siècle après sa première parution (Breslau 1894), la dissertation latine de W. Kroll (ci-après : K.), ouvrage majeur qui fit accéder l’étude des Oracles chaldaïques (ci-après : OC) à un statut scientifique, trouve une seconde naissance à travers la traduction donnée par H. D. Saffrey (ci-après : S.). Cette entreprise, aussi bien, constitue un hommage d’un savant d’une longévité exceptionnel...
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    La Jurisprudencia.Ramón López Vilas - 2003 - Arbor 175 (691):1351-1355.
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  9. La philosophie française contemporaine, d'après M. Benrubi.Adrien Naville - 1929 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 17 (70):28.
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    L’émergence des concepts de “capacitisme” et de “validisme” dans l’espace francophone.Adrien Primerano - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-2 (16-2):43-58.
    Capacitisme and validisme are two proposed translations, in the francophone world, of the concept of ableism. This concept arises in the 1970s and 1980s in the United States, in the wake of the disability studies and feminist movements, in order to designate a hierarchical dichotomy between abled and disabled people as well as an system of oppression. This paper proposes to follow the theoretical developments and the activist mobilizations around the notions of capacitisme and validisme, which both appeared at the (...)
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    The unfolding argument: Why IIT and other causal structure theories cannot explain consciousness.Adrien Doerig, Aaron Schurger, Kathryn Hess & Michael H. Herzog - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 72:49-59.
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    (2 other versions)Teisės teorija: vadovėlis.Alfonsas Vaišvila - 2004 - Vilnius: Justitia.
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  13. From Libertarian Paternalism to Nudging—and Beyond.Adrien Barton & Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):341-359.
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    The Effect of Isomorphic Pressure on Socially and Environmentally Responsible Procurement in the United Kingdom.Adam Adrien-Kirby, Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:93-101.
    This study assesses the impact had by institutional isomorphic pressures in the organisational fields of 185 businesses operating within the United Kingdom. The emphasis throughout is on how external institutions affect the socially and environmentally responsible aspects of an organization’s purchasing practice. Factor analyses and a linear regression model are employed to test the influence of these pressures. Initial findings suggest that what other industry participants are doing in this area is not as important in affecting the procurement practice of (...)
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    Esbozos del pensamiento latinoamericano: del pensamiento amerindio al siglo XX.Alexander Ávila Martínez - 2011 - Bogotá: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia-sede Bogotá.
  16. Comparing risk reductions: On the dynamic interplay of cognitive strategies, numeracy, complexity and format.Adrien Barton, Edward Cokely, Mirta Galesic, Anna Koehler & Mario Haas - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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  17. Significación Y sentido de la muerte.Agustín Basave Fernández Del Valle - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  18. Arrepentimiento y filosofía de la historia en el pensamiento japonés moderno.Jesús González Valles - 1994 - Studium 34 (3):455-485.
  19. Filosofia y Religion en el pensamiento budista.Jesús González Valles - 1999 - Studium 39 (3):439-471.
  20. Proyecto de sociedad japonesa moderna en el pensamiento de Yukichi Fukuzawa.Jesus Gonzalez Valles - 2002 - Studium 42 (1):127-151.
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  21. Derecho político.Valle Iberlucea & Enrique del - 1901 - Buenos Aires,: V. Abeledo.
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    Escaping the modern'excesses of japanese life: Critical voices on japanese rural cosmopolitanism.Angels Trias I. Valls - 2012 - In Dimitrios Theodossopoulos & Elisabeth Kirtsoglou (eds.), United in discontent: local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  23. IBÁÑEZ FANÉS, Jordi (2004) La lupa de Beckett Madrid: La Balsa de la Medusa, A. Machado Libros, 262+ VIII p.Jaume Mensa I. Valls - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:125.
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  24. Histoire des doctrines morales.Adrien Ledent - 1945 - Bruxelles,: Office de publicité.
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    L'art de gouverner: questions éthiques et politiques.Adrien Louis & Ariane Revel (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Résultat de deux journées d'études, l'ouvrage analyse la dimension éthique de l'art de gouverner, les qualités nécessaires, la relation entre le gouvernant et le gouverné.
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    Les meilleurs n'auront pas le pouvoir: une enquête à partir d'Aristote, Pascal et Tocqueville.Adrien Louis - 2021 - Paris: PUF.
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    Économique et morale.Adrien Naville - 1897 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 43:19 - 28.
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    Du jugement considéré soit comme acte mental, soit comme matériel logique (Critique des doctrines reçues).Adrien Naville - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 107:321 - 338.
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  29. Liberté-Égalité-Solidarité.Adrien Naville - 1926 - International Journal of Ethics 36 (3):318-318.
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    (1 other version)La morale conditionnelle.Adrien Naville - 1906 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 62:561 - 575.
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  31. (1 other version)Revues.Adrien Naville - 1885 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 18 (2):231.
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    Det problematiska jaget: en studie i Maine de Birans liv och tänkande.Björn Sjövall - 1976 - Lund: Doxa.
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    Amor intellectualis?: Leone Ebreo (Judah Abravanel) and the intelligibility of love.João Vila-Chã - 2006 - Braga: Publicaçóes da Faculdade de Filosofia de Braga.
    This dissertation provides an analysis of both the text and the context of the philosophy of love developed by Judah Abravanel, also known as Leone Ebreo . As a member of one of the most prestigious Jewish families of the Renaissance, Leone Ebreo was born and raised in Portugal, found temporary refuge in Spain and, after the exodus of 1492, lived most of his life in Renaissance Italy as a man-in-exile. His Dialoghi d'amore, which were first published in Rome in (...)
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    Affettività, Socialità, Virtualità- Aspetti della domanda sul Sé e sull'Altro.João J. Vila-Chã - 2017 - Topologik : Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Filosofiche, Pedagogiche e Sociali 22 (2).
    Objective of this text is to present some descriptive arguments in regard to the assertion that our affectivity constitutes is a socially structured reality. We start with the hypothesis according to which the affective life of the human being reaches its most specific goal through a process of constitution of desire in which my preferences are always defined according to the preferences of others. In order to demonstrate the conditioned character of our preferences, we shall consider ideas derived both from (...)
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    A Criminal Law for Semicitizens.Ivó Coca-Vila & Cristián Irarrázaval - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):56-72.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  36. Legal requirements on explainability in machine learning.Adrien Bibal, Michael Lognoul, Alexandre de Streel & Benoît Frénay - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (2):149-169.
    Deep learning and other black-box models are becoming more and more popular today. Despite their high performance, they may not be accepted ethically or legally because of their lack of explainability. This paper presents the increasing number of legal requirements on machine learning model interpretability and explainability in the context of private and public decision making. It then explains how those legal requirements can be implemented into machine-learning models and concludes with a call for more inter-disciplinary research on explainability.
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  37. Coordination and Harmony in Bilateral Logic.Pedro del Valle-Inclan & Julian J. Schlöder - 2023 - Mind 132 (525):192-207.
    Ian Rumfitt (2000) developed a bilateralist account of logic in which the meaning of the connectives is given by conditions on asserted and rejected sentences. An additional set of inference rules, the coordination principles, determines the interaction of assertion and rejection. Fernando Ferreira (2008) found this account defective, as Rumfitt must state the coordination principles for arbitrary complex sentences. Rumfitt (2008) has a reply, but we argue that the problem runs deeper than he acknowledges and is in fact related to (...)
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  38. Self-driving Cars in Dilemmatic Situations: An Approach Based on the Theory of Justification in Criminal Law.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (1):59-82.
    This article puts forward solutions to some of the ethical and legal dilemmas posed in the current discussion on how to program crash algorithms in autonomous or self-driving cars. The first part of the paper defines the scope of the problem in the criminal legal field, and the next section gives a critical analysis of the proposal to always prioritise the interest of the occupant of the vehicle in situations with conflict of interests. The principle of minimizing social damage as (...)
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    Nouvelle classification des sciences: étude philosophique.Adrien Naville - 1991 - Klincksieck.
    Previously published: Paris: Ancienne librairie Germer Bailliaere, 1901.
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    Images.Adrien Bugari - 2012 - Diacritics 40 (2):1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ImagesAdrien BugariAdrien Bugari is a graduate of the École Supérieure d’Art et de Design (ESAD, Reims, France). In 2007, his work was exhibited at the Salon du Meuble de Paris and the Salon d’Art et de Design Contemporain de Montrouge (France). In 2008, he worked with the Italian designer Martino Gamper and continued his studies at the École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne (ECAL, Switzerland), receiving a degree in 2009. (...)
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    Communicative Signaling, Lateralization and Brain Substrate in Nonhuman Primates: Toward a Gestural or a Multimodal Origin of Language?Adrien Meguerditchian & Jacques Vauclair - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    Language is a complex intentional, syntactical and referential system involving a left-hemispheric specialization of the brain in which some cerebral regions such as Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas play a key-role. Because nonhuman primates are phylogenetically close to humans, research on our primate cousins might help providing clues for reconstructing the features of our ancestral communicative systems. In the present paper, after emphasising the tight relation between gestures and language in humans, we underlie the specific significance of communicative gestures and of (...)
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  42. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2019.Adrien Barton, Selja Seppälä & Daniele Porello (eds.) - 2019 - CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
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    ¿Existen alternativas a las clases magistrales? Una experiencia en Fisiología Ocular del grado de Óptica y Optometría.Ana Rosa Abadía Valle, María Jesús Muñoz Gonzalvo & Fernando Soteras Abril - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):189-194.
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    (1 other version)La vie de Monsieur Des-Cartes.Adrien Baillet - 1691 - New York: Garland.
  45. CEUR workshop proceedings of The Joint Ontology Workshops, with the 9th International Conference of Formal Ontology for Information Systems (FOIS), Early Career Symposium.Adrien Barton, Stefano Borgo & Jean-Rémi Bourguet (eds.) - 2016 - CEUR Scientific Workshops.
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    Socio-educative strategy for the family in the use of the sanitary technology of the contact lens.Maray del Valle Amador, Nely del Milagro Puebla Caballero & Déborah Magalys López Salas - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):16-30.
    RESUMEN La Estrategia socioeducativa para la familia en el uso de la tecnología sanitaria del lente de contacto, proyecto de investigación del cual derivan los resultados que se exponen en el presente texto; se instituye a partir de un nuevo algoritmo de trabajo por el optometrista, atendiendo a que con la terapéutica encaminada a contrarrestar las complicaciones que ocasiona el uso indebido de la tecnología se ha intentado minimizar las anomalías de enfermedades oculares. Su objetivo general se dirige a un (...)
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    Maurice Blondel (1861-1949): un sociologue arraché à l'oubli.Adrien Diakiodi - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Pour son projet d'une "union européenne", suite à des guerres récurrentes entre frères du même continent, Maurice Blondel a élaboré une méthode sociologique qui permet de rassembler les membres d'une même société autour des mêmes idéaux, de les aider à s'accepter les uns les autres, malgré leurs différences, de les pousser à atteindre un excellent niveau d'organisation sociale, économique, politique et culturelle, mais surtout d'intégrer efficacement les délinquants déclarés perdus à jamais, donc bons à être guillotinés comme autrefois en France. (...)
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    Essence, puissance, activité dans la philosophie et les savoirs grecs.Adrien Lecerf, Ghislain Casas & Philippe Hoffmann (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Proceedings of two study days held in Paris and Oxford about a recurring conceptual triad: ousia, dynamis and energeia, active in Ancient thought and practices, either philosophical or not.
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    De quelques espèces de libertés et de quelques-unes de leurs conditions (Notes psychologiques et sociologiques).Adrien Naville - 1917 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 83:60 - 89.
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    (1 other version)La primauté logique Des jugements conditionnels.Adrien Naville - 1905 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 59:337 - 345.
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